Why do we play and collect retro video games? What is so special about retro gaming? Why do some of us crave the memories and nostalgia that retro games bring? Is it just an addiction to dusty old games or is retro game collecting more special than that?


Retro Game Collecting

Retro gaming is the craze. Seeing a boom in the past 5 – 10 years. More and more people are on a mission to build a huge retro game collection. Just a quick search of the term game room tour and you’ll find hundreds if not thousands of game room tours every year from around the world! But why?

Retro Games

Despite retro games containing some of the best video games ever made. What else drives us to not only play retro games, but also collect them?

Nostalgia. But what exactly about nostalgia drive us to go out retro video game hunting?

Pixel Game Squad

Riff from the Pixel Game Squad asked just this question on the Pixel Game Squad YouTube channel. And he gave a fantastic and touching story about his life life and his personal reasons as to why retro?

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