In this first video of my video game collection I go over some great retro game pickups! I was on the lookout for some cheap Nintendo 64 games and an N64 for sale. I also came across some epic Sega Mega Drive games or Sega Genesis games for those in the US!
Nintendo 64
I always wanted a Nintendo 64 console when I was a kid. At the time I played mostly PlayStation video games. The N64 console was always something that appealed to me. The great selection of N64 games was always tempting. Especially the brilliant GoldenEye 007. Not to mention The Legend Of Zelda OCarina Of Time, Super Mario 64, Pokemon Stadium and Super Smash Bros to name just a few of the best Nintendo 64 games!
So one of my first decisions when I started retro game collecting was to buy a Nintendo 64! It’s quite easy to find a Nintendo 64 for sale, with all the thrift stores and retro gaming stores around. Not to mention eBay. It wasn’t long before I found myself a great N64 pickup complete with the iconic N64 controller.
Next step was to find some great bargains on N64 games for some more sweet retro video game pickups!
Sega Mega Drive / Genesis
I originally started my video game journey as a kid with a Nintendo Entertainment System or NES. I was absolutely addicted to Mario as a kid. But there was always something tempting about Sega consoles. It felt a bit more grown up to me. So when I made the jump to 16 bit I decided on the Sega MegaDrive 2 instead of the SNES. The Sega Genesis / Mega Drive was an amazing machine for its time and some of the Sega Genesis games blew my mind as a kid! Games like Sonic, Flashback, Mortal Kombat all had a real grown up feel to them and really made me realise how cool video games could be!
To this day I still have my original Mega Drive 2 and it still functions perfectly. Recently I bought my wife a copy of The Lion King, one of her favourite retro video games. Since then I’ve decided to try and slowly expand my Sega Mega Drive game collection and in this video I show some of the latest Sega Genesis pickups I’ve come across.
Collecting for the Sega Mega Drive is really satisying because all the games come in a hard case. Therefore it is a lot easier to find CIB, complete in box, versions of most games. For all of you retro collectors out there you know how satisfying it is to have a complete in box version of a game. Am I right?
Video Game Collecting
Let’s take a step back. Early last year my video game collecting addiction kicked in full force! I blame it on watching too many retro gaming channels like SeeJayAre, Metal Jesus, Game Pickups with Reggie and Gamezof War. I’ve always loved video games. I like to look after them and rarely sell them on. So I guess I’ve been video game collecting all my life.
Until recently my video game collection has been quite modest. It was at the start of last year I really started to get the bug. I found myself in store after store, scouring all the retro game shelves and bargain bins looking for those hidden gems!
I then decided to give my computer room a makeover and turn it into proper gaming room.


Which then led me to expand my video game channel. I want to share with you what I find on my video game collecting journey, hopefully share some game collecting tips and maybe one day make a video game collecting guide. Because we all know how ridiculously expensive this hobby can be. Especially retro video game collecting!
Retro Gaming
Maybe even more than current gen, I love classic video games and retro games consoles. There just something so nostalgic when I play retro games. I somehow manage to enjoy them even more now than I did then. My friends often joke that I can only enjoy a video game properly if it is at least five years old and therefore retro! They might be right!
So it makes sense that my video game channel also functions as a retro gaming channel. But what retro gaming channel is complete without a retro gaming setup? The first mission was to sort out my man cave and turn it into a bona fide retro game room.
This first video was shot last year and has already appeared on my channel. However due to a mess up on my part I accidentally deleted all my retro gaming videos. So this is the first of 14 retro-retro gaming videos.
As of now I am yet to do a video game room tour. One will definitely be coming. I do have some short video footage of my game room so I might put together some footage to do a mini game room tour in the meantime.