I was going to make a post on what I thought the Xbox 2 was going bring us as Microsofts next generation console. However with the news that Xbox Live is now coming to the Nintendo Switch. The fact that Microsoft bought 7 game studios in 2018. As well as the amount of money that Sony and Microsoft lose on physical hardware. I’m not even sure there will be an Xbox 2, Anaconda, Scarlett, Maverick or whatever we thought it was called.
Xbox Live On The Nintendo Switch
First of all lets deal with the huge news that Xbox live is coming to the Switch, iOS and Android. It sounds crazy right! I thought it was more school boy internet rumour when I first read it. But it turns out it’s legit. Windows Central spotted the info on a GDC Session.
The post has subsequently been taken down. However, we can expect to hear more about it at GDC this year between March 18-22.
But to summarise what we know. Microsoft are looking at Growing & Engaging their gaming community across platforms.
At the very least it means you will be able to access your friends and achievements. Whether you’re playing Fortnite on an Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, Android or iPhone.
This isn’t really that much of a surprise when you think that Microsoft and Nintendo started playing nicely together last year when they introduced Xbox and Switch crossplay. Having your achievements and friends in the same virtual space is the natural next step.

Why Nintendo?
The thing that did surprise me though was that Nintendo are happy to essentially display rival console branding on their platform.
I can see the benefit for Microsoft. They display their brand to a whole new world of gamers that previously weren’t interested. More specifically the Japanese market. Not only are they seen but they are essentially endorsed by the most respected gaming name in Japan, Nintendo!
There has to be something that has enticed Nintendo. Or at least eased their worries of Xbox being competition specifically in western markets.
No More Xbox Hardware
What if Microsoft were planning to back out of the console race? Now Hang on a second. I know it seems like the next Xbox is just around the corner but let me take a step back and explain.
Console gaming is a worldwide competition between Nintendo, Microsoft and Sony. However for the past 3 generations Microsoft have really struggled to gain a foothold in the Japanese market, That is a huge market share to struggle in. At the same time we know that Sony and Microsoft sell their consoles at a loss.
When you think about it, why would you sell something that you lost money on? You would only do that if you were able to use that product as a platform to make money in other ways. That is exactly what Sony and Microsoft do. The PS4 and the Xbox One are the platforms to get you into their eco system where they really start to make money.
So if you didn’t need that initial platform you could avoid the initial loss! With the increasing popularity of online game stores and streaming services it’s becoming even easier to get games into players hands.

Project Xcloud
Microsoft are already working on a next gen streaming service called Project Xcloud. To achieve this they will host the games on native hardware on their servers and stream the visuals to the user.
If Project Xcloud comes out it will completely negate the need for Microsoft to make a console to get you into their eco system. Microsoft wouldn’t need to try and sell you the latest Xbox. They would just let you access their eco system and stream games through an Xbox Live subscription on any device you desire.
All they need to do to get the infrastructure in place is get Xbox live in as many places as possible like PC, mobile and rival console.
This move would maintain xbox as a gaming powerhouse. Whilst at the same time providing even more value to Nintendo with all the new game franchises they would gain. Win Win.
Next Gen Xbox – Just Not As We Know It
Now I’m not saying Microsoft will entirely step out of the console race for the next generation. However I think it is highly likely that the Xbox 2 won’t be exactly what we assumed it to be, if it even exists at all! What do you think about Xbox live coming to Switch. Do you think Microsoft will stick to tradition and make a fully fleshed out disk consuming next gen console or do you we are seeing the start of Xbox as a service rather than a console.