I was originally thinking of doing Nintendo Direct Reaction video but to be honest ost of them annoy me! I’m not sure I could do one as well as the Wulff Den would!
Then I realised what do I always look for whenever I am after Nintendo News or searching for Nintendo Direct YouTube. That’s an abbreviated version with all the important info in there. So I deciced to summarise the whole of the first Nintendo Direct 2019 into a 5 minute Nintendo Direct Mini. I hope you enjoy this video and it helps you consume your Nintendo Switch News is an easier fashion.
Nintendo Direct Mini
If you’re like me you don’t always have the time to consume the full Nintedo Direct, so a shorter 5 minute mini version might help. So lets get into it.
It’s all Switch news but boy are them some amazing things coming for the Nintendo Switch in 2019!
Super Mario Maker 2
The Switch is getting Super Mario Maker 2 coming in June 2019 and it looks amazing! Adding in loads of new feature and even nicer graphics!
Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3: The Black Order
For the first time in 10 years Marvel Ultimate Alliance is back for some 4 player RPG action. The Nintendo Switch exclusive is looking at a Summer 2019 release boasting a huge roster focusing largely on the Marvel cinematic and television world.

Puzzle platformer Box Boy is making his debut on the Switch with the addition of Box Girl by his side for multiplayer shenanigans. Coming April 26th 2016
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Updates
Super Smash Bros Ulitmate is getting some version 3.0 updates along with some new amibos as well. We will have to wait for details of the updates until April. But it is porbably going to have something to do with Joker.
I’ve never really been bothered about Amiibos but I’m as so getting me one of those Snakes!

Captain Toad Treasure Tracker Updates
Captain Toad is also recieving some new updates. All courses will support 2 player co-op as of today as well as Paid DLC comnig in the form of 18 new challenges across 5 new courses. All of the content will available on March 14th
Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night
Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night the spiritual succesor to Castlevania.Coming to the Nintendo Switch in Summer 2019 this 2D side scroller look absolutely stunning. Taking 2D side scrolling to completely new places including customization and sub quests.

Dragon Quest Builders 2
The sequel to Dragon Quest Builders comes out July 12th. Enabling you to build and play in even newer ways. Also boasting a new retro more like minecraft inpired map.
Dragon Quest XI
Dragin Quest comes exclusively to the Nintendo Switch in Autumn Fall boasting new stories. In the form of Dragon Quest XI S: Echoes of an Elusive Age – Definitive Edition. Bringing back the classic with a fresh feel. Enabling you to choose between the new beautiful 3D visuals or jump back to the classic 2D style whilst also picking between full English or Japanese audio.
Disney Tsum Tsum Festival
The Tsum Tsums are coming to the Switch in 2019 boasting a variety of competitve and coop games for up to 4 players.
Apparently they’re pronounced Tsoom Tsoom!? I was sure they were pronounced Chum Chums!
Starlink: Battle for Atlas Updates
Stalink is getting an update with a new series of missions this Spring. Each pilot will be able to take on any mission.With more news to come in April.
Rune Factory 4 Special
The Heartfelt fantasy adventure Rune Factory 4 is being fully remastered for the Nintendo switch. Battle together and get married in the newly wed mode. Available later in 2019.
It is also confrimed that Rune Factory 5 is in Development with more info to come
A new action RPG from makers of I am Tsetsuna and lost sphere is on it’s way. Travel betweeen the living world and beyond. With the ability to gain new powers from rescued souls. Coming summer 2019.

Yoshi’s Crafted World Features & Demo
Yoshis Crafted World is almost here where you can fly, sail, drive and fight bosses. You will also be able to satisfy our collecting urges by unlocking a variety of costumes using in game coins. Coming March 29th, the demo is out now.
Fire Emblem: Three Houses
The next generation brand new Fire Emblem was originally meant to be releasing in Spring however more development time is needed so it is now planned for release on July 26th.
Tetris 99
99 players will compete online with only one winner. Nintendo Switch online players will be able to compete in the free to downlaod game Tetris 99 from today.

Dead by Daylight
Run, hide, scavenge and survive or take on the role of the killer in this in depth horror game. Coming this Autumn Fall
Deltarune: Chapter 1
The brand new game from Undertale maker Toby Fox. available on 28th February on the Nintendo eShop for FREE! Follow on chapters will also be coming but they won’t be free.
Daemon X Machina Features & Demo
The Prototype Mission demo will be released today for a limited period of time. Including 4 missions, with a the chance to explore basic controls and customisation with a boss battle. The full game launch is planned for Summer 2019.
GRID Autosport
Realistic racing and high speed thrills. Including all DLC with all 100 cars. Also boasting a Destruction Derby mode. GRID Autosport will be coming Summer 2019.
Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice
For the first time play the award winning critically acclaimed game Hellblade: Senuas Sacrifice on the Nintendo Switch. Coming this Spring.
Mortal Kombat 11
The 25 year old saga continues with new characters as well as veterans. Coming April 23rd

Unravel Two
A fresh new adventure for Unravel. Controlling two characters in both single and multiplayer mode. Coming March 22.
Assassin’s Creed III Remastered
Coming on May 21 for the first time on the Nintendo Switch with revamped gaming and motion aiming. Inluding all DLC as well as Assasin Creed liberation remastered.
Coming March 26th.
Chocobo’s Mystery Dungeon EVERY BUDDY!
Coming March 20th
Available today
Astral Chain
From the makers of Nier: Automata and Bayonetta comes a brand new action game. The amazing looking Astral Chain will be released by Platinum games on August 30 2019

This game looks SICK!!
And finally!
The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening
The 1993 gameboy classic finally get’s its first remake after 26 years coming in 2019.

Nintendo Direct Summary
What an amazing Nintendo Direct that was! Some people are calling it the best Nintendo Direct ever!
What do you think? What are your favourite games from the list and which are you looking forward to?
I guess we’ll just have to wait for the next Nintendo Direct to hear Pokemon and Metroid 4 news…
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