Astral Chain
Astral Chain is not good… it’s awesome!!

One of the things I was looking forward to most in Platinum Games Astral Chain was good fun story.
Astral Chain Story
Right off the bat, you start up your Nintendo Switch and Astral Chain throws you straight into a stylish cut scene set in a mysterious research. The kind of thing you’d see from a cool modern day anime. This is where we see our first glimpse of the legion and gain an understanding into it’s creation.
When all of a sudden an attack is happening in the city that requires the expertise of the legion. And what better time to recruit the two latest rookies into the legion program.

Astral Chain Graphics
Instantly you can see the cool that oozes from Astral Chain. The gorgeous visuals on the Switch and the over the top motorbike jumps are nothing short of spectacular and get you pumped up right from the start. Platinum Games have done a phenomenal job creating a visual spectacular.

Shortly after the opening scene we get fully inducted into the upper echelons of the police force with our legion companion and informed of the situation with the Ark, the aberrations, chimera, the astral gates and the legion themselves. The details to all of this are rather thin on the ground and leave a lot of questions. I personally like a bit more meat in my video game back story. I’m aware that to date Platinum Games don’t really do story. However, i’m optimistic for now that these details may be revealed as the game progresses.
Astral Chain Gameplay
It was in the next few hours the core foundations of Astral Chain became apparent.
There is the main research facility that kind of acts like a hub in between cases and a place where you can perform training.
From there you take on new cases that popup which usually results in you turning up to a crime scene and investigating the area for clues using IRIS. IRIS is an augmented reality system in game that helps you by highlighting key areas and suspects.
Using Iris and your legion you can interrogate the area to find out what happened and where to head to solve the mystery. This investigation side of the gameplay really works well when you are using our Nintendo Switch in portable mode. It makes for an enjoyable relaxed pace of gameplay, to balance out the intense action.
Once you’ve investigated the scene you then head off and attempt to chase down the aberrations and the chimera. This part of the game has you fighting regular aberrations and often climaxes in an epic boss battle.

Astral Chain Bosses
The boss battles are where Astral Chain really shines. Over the top, huge enemies appear in a stylish cut scene format all to the sound of awesome metal music. This really gets you pumping and makes for some awesome fight scenes. The kind of fight scenes that make you feel like a legend! I’d go so far as to say these are some of the best boss battles on any console, let alone the Nintendo Switch.
Button Bashing
I must admit when I first started playing Astral Chain it did feel a little bit like a glorified button mashers but with gorgeous visuals. However as I played more the nuances of the fighting system and really learning how to use your legion started to shine through. The legion makes for a very unique addition to the gameplay. One which if left alone will help in the background but if used can turn the gameplay from button bashing to a skill that takes practice to master.
This style of combat makes Astral Chain one of the most replayable Nintendo Switch Games. Enabling you to hone your skills with every play through.

The story was something i was also really excited for, however after the first few hours i can tell this isn’t going to be up to Metal Gear Solid levels of story telling.
That doesn’t mean I’m not enjoying the heck out of Astral Chains story.

So far the first few hours of astral chain have been an absolute blast and the game just keeps getting more fun and interesting.
This is easily one of the most captivating Nintendo Switch Games to date and makes for a fantastic Switch exclusive.
I can finishing this game pretty darn quick, at which point I’ll be putting out a full review.