With my recent surge of interest in game collecting I’ve found myself in a familiar position of “Gamer ADD”. Over the years as I’ve played computer games I’ve regularly found myself in the situation of jumping from one game to the next. Always tempted by the next challenge or the newest game and not being particularly fast at completing a game, as I like to explore as much of it as possible, I would end up never finishing any particular game.
As time has progressed my long list of uncompleted and even in some cases un-played games has grown. At one point I was not too bothered about games on my list which live in the previous generation, but as I’ve started to appreciate the classic consoles they’ve started to come back to the forefront of my mind.
I know find myself where my game collection is growing rapidly and that means that list of un-played games is growing just as fast. Despite the fact that every game I buy I’m buying for the purpose of getting round to playing at some point and not just for the sake of owning, the realist in me knows that won’t happen unless I start to get through some of my back catalogue. Doing that, at the same time as trying to put as much of my free time in game development, is an increasingly difficult. That’s where my portable consoles come into play.
The PSP and PS Vita are absolutely fantastic for playing some of the Playstations back library especially with regards PS1 and PS2 classics. And the added portability means I can throw in a quick 10 minutes here and there. So with that being said I decided the first in line for completion was the classic Final Fantasy VII.
I started playing Final Fantasy VII back when it first came out and actually made a decent amount of the way through. But it was towards the start of summer and when we went on holiday I had no way continuing to play it whilst away. After returning I’d kind of forgotten where I was up to and some other game popped up (can’t remember what) that took my attention. Fast forward 10 or so years later when FFVII came out as a PS1 classic for the PSP and I decided that was my chance to go back and complete it. Once again something or another popped up and distracted me (I think it was a new Pokemon game tbh!) and I left it to fall back onto the list of unfinished games. This time I’ve been determined though and every small break I get I throw in another 10mins. I’ve chipping away at it bit by bit and being strict to not be distracted by the other gems that keep tempting me (games like Odin Sphere, the Resident Evil Remake, Sorcery Saga, Criminal Girls, Valkyrie Drive etc etc!) and I think I can safely say that third time is lucky. Earlier today I’ve found myself at what feels like the build up to the final fight and boy what a game!!
I’ve always loved what I’ve seen of the FFVII story and as I continue past my previous efforts and reveal even more of it, it just keeps getting better! Twist after twist the story keeps delivering. I’m almost certain I’ll be completing it this weekend and I’m really excited about that. The question is, what game should I play next?

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